The Environmental and Access commission (constituted in Kathmandu 2018) works to strengthen both sustainable travel and work and the rights of the professional mountain guides to work and access all alpine terrain. The commission works closely with other international and governmental organizations such as the UIAA to achieve these tasks. Our work is driven by these priorities and insights:
- The natural environment is important to all humans
- Access to the mountains of the globe is of importance to the professional mountain guides
- Nature is the basis of living and all mountain guiding
- The spirit of the mountains provide both guests and guides with deep psychological experiences that possibly affects the whole person and forms identity
- To maintain mountain environments and genuine wilderness experiences for the future generations of mountaineers!
- The need to protect and conserve mountains from further unnecessary human impact
The IFMGA code of Conduct clarifies that "The mountain guide should respect the conservation of nature". Following up on this pathway the IFMGA Environmental and Access Commission recommends [i]that the IFMGA Member Associations adopt the following into their guide training schemes:
IFMGA Environmental Platform:
- Guides are responsible for protecting the mountain environment
- Guides educate their clients on care and respect for nature
- Guides plan their excursions to reduce impacts to the environment
- Guides are responsible for removing waste from their excursions
- Guides are advocates of the history and culture of mountain life
- Guides minimize impact on flora and fauna, including wildlife
- Guides respect local traditions and ethics in all mountain regions
- Guides are role models for all mountain visitors in regards to stewardship
[1] Adapted with collaboration from the UIAA Mountain Protection Commission[1]
One of the latest projects of this commission is Mountain Talks, a webinar series, an agenda of talks organized by in collaboration with Grid Arendal and the UIAA.